February 8, 2018
Statement on Schumer-McConnell budget agreement: “Math still applies to superpowers”
By Edward King
February 8, 2018
Contact: press@defensepriorities.org
WASHINGTON, DC—In response to the Senate’s budget agreement, Defense Priorities President Edward King offers the following statement:
“Fiscal stability and national security go hand-in-hand, and the Schumer-McConnell budget agreement threatens both. It is irresponsible to increase federal spending in the midst of growing deficits and $20 trillion of debt. Math still applies to superpowers.
“Rather than implementing long-needed strategic and operational reforms, Congress is papering over our real national security challenges with an additional $80 billion in Pentagon spending.
“Americans deserve a strong, effective military to secure our country, our prosperity, and our way of life. That’s why a realistic defense strategy should inform every taxpayer dollar spent, which means setting priorities within the Department of Defense, focusing on core missions directly related to U.S. vital interests, and using available funds to improve military lethality.”
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