Past In-Person Event: How trade enhances American prosperity and security
America’s economic prosperity—the foundation of our national power and influence—reflects the people’s innovation and productivity. U.S. leadership to promote open international markets not only fosters economic growth, but also strengthens other foreign policy goals.
We enrich ourselves and our partners with closer trade relations. We encourage institutional development, peaceful resolution of disputes, and improved living standards in developing countries through greater commerce.
As many Americans confront social and economic challenges, however, support for free exchange across political borders has eroded. President Trump has withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and threatened to exit enacted trade agreements.
How can and should the U.S. try to shape international economic relations? How does trade policy affect diplomacy and security objectives? When do security concerns justify restrictions like sanctions that may negatively affect prosperity? How much does trade contribute to domestic challenges? And how can Congress make it a more effective tool of statecraft within current political constraints?