Grand strategy, Basing and force posture, Burden sharing, Global posture, Military analysis

Virtual : National Defense Strategy: Underfunded or overstretched?

How much should the United States spend on its military? That question is at the heart of a great many debates over strategy, spending, and foreign policy. A recent report from the congressionally chartered Commission on the National Defense Strategy argued the answer was a great deal more, at significant sacrifice to the American people through tax hikes and cuts to social spending. This has energized the debate in Washington over what American security policy needs to look like and how we should prioritize our spending.

How can the United States get the most bang for its buck? What threats need to be prioritized and prepared for? Could the Pentagon do more with less or should it do less with less? Which security investments will result in the greatest return? Our panel of experts will discuss and debate the merits of these and other proposals to bolster U.S. defense spending.

Event Speakers


Senior Fellow & Director of Military Analysis

Defense Priorities


Senior Policy Advisor

Heritage Foundation


Senior Director

Foundation for Defense of Democracies


Policy Director

Defense Priorities