August 17, 2020
To ensure the safety of U.S. troops, withdraw from Syria
August 17, 2020
WASHINGTON, DC—Today, CBS reported that the U.S. clashed with Syrian forces, a rare confrontation that turned deadly but resulted in no U.S. casualties. Defense Priorities Policy Director Benjamin H. Friedman issued the following statement in response:
“The clash between U.S. and Syrian forces is a reminder of the need to get U.S. forces out of Syria. The small U.S. force there is too small to accomplish anything much, but big enough to get into trouble and a broader war with one of the other powers there—including the Syrian government, Iran, Turkey, or nuclear-armed Russia, whose forces have also clashed with ours. The risks of escalation are substantial and the benefits nonexistent.
“With ISIS’s caliphate gone and regional forces in Syria attacking its remnants, the United States has nothing to gain from staying in Syria. There is little in Syria for Russia or Iran to win, and few reasons to confront them there even if one wants to confront them. Risking American lives to defend oil wells just denies the Assad regime—which is regaining control of the country—a bit of revenue, without any greater purpose. If Assad’s regime did fall, the chaos is likely to be more harmful to Syrians than its survival, murderous as it is.
“There is no satisfying solution for Syria, but negotiating directly with the Assad government and allowing Damascus to reestablish its rule is the way to reduce bloodshed among Syrians and minimize U.S. risks.”
Policy Director