Resolving the Ukraine-Russia crisis requires diplomacy, not troop deployments

February 2, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, the U.S. announced it will deploy 3,000 U.S. troops to NATO allies in Europe. Defense Priorities Policy Director Benjamin H. Friedman issued the following statement in response:

“Deploying more troops to European allies’ territory is a symbolic act that won’t solve the Ukraine problem. Now there will be roughly 67,000 active duty troops in Europe instead of 65,000. Were these new troops a bargaining chip that could be traded for Russian concessions, they might have some value. But they seem instead to be permanent, an irritant for Russia designed to show resolve. In that sense they are essentially a distraction from the drama around Ukraine and diplomatic efforts to solve it.

“Rather than deploy troops, the U.S. should admit it won’t expand NATO to Ukraine or let NATO troops deploy there. Instead, U.S. leaders insist on risking Ukraine now for the principle that we might defend it later. Ending this absurd policy will do far more for Ukraine than stationing a few more troops in Europe.”

DEFP analysis: Putting the Ukraine-Russia crisis into perspective

DEFP report: The futility of U.S. military aid and NATO aspirations for Ukraine